Monday, December 7, 2015

Batty Rates

Can we, as adults, trust the ratings of games, movies, and television shows when deciding what Batman platforms our children should in take? Yes. According to an article written by Kira A. Varava and Brian L. Quick, “ratings currently give parents and movie theaters the necessary information about film content to protect children and adolescents from seeing sexual and other unsuitable content to ensure that they are not influenced by age inappropriate messages.”

So what does each rating stand for? In games, there is E for everyone 10 and up, T for teen, and M mature. In television shows and movies, there is G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17. G is for general audiences and is the least restrictive rating. PG suggests the use of parental guidance and PG-13 suggests the use of parental guidance to anyone under the age of 13 due to possible inappropriate content. R requires the accompaniment of an adult for anyone under 17. NC-17 is the most restrictive and movie theaters do not allow anyone under the age of 17, even if an adult accompanies him or her, to see the film.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me. Or is it? Varava and Quick discuss the possible negative impacts on the choices individual viewers make in their article. Does the more restrictive ratings entice young adults to see these movies? This question leads me to the forbidden fruit effect. The forbidden fruit effect is the indulgence in a pleaser that is either illegal or immoral. So do young ones want the forbidden fruit? Probably. But will they succeed in eating it? Maybe, maybe not. Every child is different, some might want to watch the R movie simply because they can’t and others are perfectly content with G rated. It all comes down to parenting and personality. If a parent truly doesn’t want their kids to be exposed to the presented content of the more restrictive ratings, they have all the power to stop it (this excludes the rebellious teens like myself who mastered the art of sneaking into theaters, sorry mom and dad).

For those moms and dads with Bat lovers on their hands, here are the ratings of the more popular Batman platforms:
Batman Begins – PG 13
The Dark Knight – PG 13
The Dark Knight Rises – PG 13
Batman (1966, starring Adam West) – PG
Batman: Year One – PG 13
Batman Forever – PG 13
Batman & Robin - PG 13
Video Games:
Batman Begins (2005) - T
Lego Batman (2008) - E
Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009) - T
DC Universe Online (2011) - T
Batman: Arkham City (2011) - T
Batman: Arkham Origins (2013) -
Batman: Arkham Knight (2015) – M (first Batman 


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