Monday, December 7, 2015

Who is Batman?

 Who is Batman?

So what do you think? Who is Batman? Is he the violent vigilante that we should keep children away from? Is he the moraly riteous superhero he was created to be? Or is he both wrong and right as a role model? Do we as adults monitor what Batman shows, video games, comics, writings, and movies children incorporate into their lives? Yes. We do. With a character as famous as Batman, it is a given that some writers are going to make him evil, sexual, and violent while others put him on a heroic pedastal. And with this fame, a character like Batman is bound to be seen everywhere, on sneakers, posters, coffee cups, in games, in SNL skits, you name it. He was and still is a lot of people's idol. He was around when our parents were children and will definitely be around for when we have children. With everyone, even fictional characters, we must filter out the bad to revel in the good. 

For anyone who is a die hard Bat fan and has the time to watch a sorta recap/slightly more in depth hour long video, thengrab some popcorn and watch this:

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